Sunday, 21 December 2014

There’ll be no Such Thing as Mess This Christmas

‘Tis the season to be jolly, it’s the holiday that everyone looks forward too and it’s nearly here. Along with good tidings we bring some useful advice on cleaning this holiday. Mess is the one thing any mother cannot put up with and with Christmas just around the corner, mess is something that will be constant during this holiday. With aunties and uncles making that long trip down to see you, you can’t ask them to take their shoes off in the living room and the kids will be seeing their cousins after quite some time, so you can’t say anything to them either.

Now is no time to panic, because when it comes to cleaning, we at Black & Decker know exactly what you need. Here is a list of tools that you’ll require to keep your home neat and clean during the Christmas break.

1.      The FSM1620 Steam Mop
A mark of a good cook is a clean workspace. This elegant piece of equipment is great for removing food stains and splashes on the kitchen floor and keeping those aunties impressed.

2.      The DV141OEL Dustbuster
Not only does this dustbuster clean table and couch mess, it’s quite the looker. The DV141OEL is also eco-friendly as it uses 70% less energy than any other dustbuster in it’s class. #GoGreen

3.      The WV1400 Vaccum Cleaner
When the day is done and everybody leaves, that’s when you pull out this bad boy. The WV1400 comes with a variety of accessories that will help you make your home spic and span once again.

Visit our website to see more items from our cleaning range and if you have any questions about which one is perfect for you, then connect with us on Facebook or Twitter and we’ll help you out. After all, Christmas is the ‘giving’ season.

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