Thursday, 18 February 2016

5 really cool DIY hacks to help you keep your house clean

If you are a cleanliness freak, then even a puny spot or stain in your house can get you irked. Even if you are not a complete Monica Gellar from Friends, then too who likes to endorse untidiness?

So here are some really cool cleanliness DIY hacks that will make your house tidier and you happier—

1.       Lipstick stains on your clothes


To remove lipstick stains from your clothes or bed sheets, simply spray some hair spray on the affected area. Wait till it dries well and then wash it with normal water.

1.       Greasy stains on walls

Source: 3dhouse

To get your home’s walls rid of greasy stains, simply cover the area well using chalk. After you are done, use a wet towel to wipe off the entire area covered with chalk.

1.       Cleaning the tiles

Source: Wikipedia

To clean the dirt accumulated in the tiles of your home’s floor, or on the walls, simply make a mix of normal water and baking soda, dip an old toothbrush in the mix, and use it to wipe off the dirt.

1.       Getting rid of mirror stains

Source: ebay

To get a crystal clear reflection of yourself in the mirror, get rid of the mirror stains using potato peels. Make sure that you dab the potato juice on the stains, and as soon as you are done, take a spongy cloth to wipe it off, and voila! The stains are gone!

1.       Make your cookware shiny

Source: guyfieri

If your cookware is looking dull and lacking the luster, use some car wax to polish it and you can get them to look fancy and shiny again!

 Share your cleanliness DIY ideas with us

If you too have got some cool yet easy DIY hacks to keep your houses clean, do share them with us. You can follow us on Facebook or simply leave your comments below!

1 comment:

  1. Cleaning is very important and we need selective device to perform this work. Check out some cool Mop For Tile cleaning of your house.
