Friday, 29 May 2015

DIY - A Beautiful Book Page Wreath From Old Papers

Best out of waste - the term certainly brings back school memories where you were to show your talent on bringing the best out of something that was technically of no use any longer. Well, not much has changed and you can still showcase your talent in making something creative out of things you would normally dump in the trash.

Here’s a fun technique to utilize old pages and manifest them into a beautiful wreath that will not only give your wall a classic look but also be an inexpensive way of exercising your creativity.

                    Image source: Jones design company

Things You Will Need:
-A thin, flexible metal rod

-Lots and lots of old papers



Here’s what you need to do:

1) First, take the thin flexible metal rod and wrap it around a big circular object in order to get a perfect round shaped ring. The metal rod will be a little stubborn to bend but this will be the base of the wreath and hence, needs to be strong.

2) Now get your hands on those old papers and cut them in half with the help of scissors. Fold them evenly and staple them from the bottom. Make sure all your papers are cut in same lengths else your wreath would look uneven.

3) Next, take a paper punch and dig a hole on each of the papers that you have just cut. Slide the papers one by one on to the circular ring.

4) Now you need to use some glue to stick these pages on the ring in such a way that will prevent them from falling apart.

5) Now it’s time to leave your creation for a while to let it dry. Once that’s done, voila! You are ready to hang it on your wall, giving your home that vintage touch with just some creative techniques.

You can also place a bow or any other shiny object in the center of your wreath to make it more attractive.

If you like more colors, you can use colorful pages instead of the white and black set up. You can also use a CD as your base instead of a bigger circular object if you want your wreath to be small.

Connect with us:

Don’t forget to share what you came up with. Follow us on Facebook to keep a tab on some more of our creations. Also, do share with us if you have pictures of your own creations and projects, we would love to see them.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Innovative Ways to Stay Cool This Summer

We’re half way through the summer and a feeling of relief can be sensed among the population. Some cities across the country witnessed an extremely hot summer period while others felt right at home in the blistering heat. Before we start our monsoon celebrations we still have about 60 days of the season left.
We're giving you a few tips and tricks that you can try to stay cool and beat the heat this summer, some may sound strange but trust us, they work.

1. Utilize the freezer

About 10-15 minutes before you sleep, put your sheets in the freezer to cool off. Do make sure you place them in a plastic bag before you place them inside the freezer as you don’t want the smell of yesterday’s dinner to be absorbed by the fabric.

2. The wet cloth method
This trick is right out of a science book and it works wonders. Place a damp cloth over a stand fan or in front of an open window, when the fan is switched on or a breeze comes through, it’ll cool down the room instantly.

3. The cold water bottle

In the winter, many of us resort to hot water bottles to keep us warm, but you can also use them in the summer. Simply fill ice-cold water into it and keep it with you when the heat becomes unbearable.

4. Get down
We all know that hot air rises. So the perfect place to set up camp would be closer to the ground. Substitute your fancy bed for a comfortable mattress and you'll feel cooler in no time.

5. Get creative

Grains like rice and buckwheat aren't just for consuming, you can make a pillow using these as they don't absorb heat like cotton or goose feathers.

Connect with Black & Decker

If you used any of these methods or have a few ingenious ways to stay cool of your own, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us on Facebook and leave your comments, thoughts on the blog or any sort of feedback.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

The DIY Water Conserving Garden Sprinkler

Watering your garden with a garden hose wastes a lot of water and the pressure of the water can damage your baby leaves and buds. Sprinklers, on the other hand, work wonders in a garden. On high pressure, they spurt water out for your leaves; while on a low pressure, you can use them for soil wetting too. This DIY garden sprinkler is easy to make and it helps conserve water.

Things You Will Need:
Here’s What You Need To Do:
  • The first thing you need to do is connect your bottle with the hose using the water proof tape.
  • Tape the hose to the bottle multiple times and make sure there is no gap, thereby avoiding leaks. 
  • Be sure to test it against pressure as you do not want it to disconnect later. 
  • Drill holes in the bottle, placing the holes wherever you want water to spurt. Be sure to use protective gear while drilling to prevent any injuries. Safe DIY is good DIY!

  • Test-run your sprinkler and check for any leaks, especially where the tape connects the hose and bottle. If there are, identify the leaky spots and reinforce with the tape.
  • Finally, turn the tap on and reap rewards for your labour. Keep your gardens looking its best while saving water! Also, don’t forget to use kitchen waste and kitchen water for your garden to keep it nourished and healthy. 

Connect with us:

Do-It-Yourself projects are perfect activities to beat the summer boredom, follow us on Facebook for more DIY projects. Also, don’t forget to share pictures of your own projects with us; we’d love to see what you’ve done.